Wednesday, September 26, 2007

panasonic lumix FX-12

At times of economic doldrom/kemelesetan ekonomi...many things happen...

When this phenomenon happens to me...

This happens...

Jeng jeng...

Presenting...PANASONIC LUMIX FX-12

I am a proud new owner of this sweet thing. There was black color as well...but due to my "tidak tahu memelihara harta benda" nature..I opted for the normal silver color...easier to maintain. =)

Leica lens...sweet
2GB memory card...sweet
Price..RM795 (+casing + minitripod + memory card+ screen protector)...even sweeter
The emptiness of my pocket..not so sweet.

Haha...but I just HAD to get it after I jalan jalan in Low Yat on Saturday...but gaji still haven't masukked at that time, so I didn't buy it (so can't accuse me of impulsive purchasing disorder)...but thank God, our salary masuk adi yesterday morning =) =) so I went to get it after work yesterday with my colleague Guztyne. He's the techie kinda guy, so bringing him along will ensure that I was not ripped off or the parts that I got was original etc. My coursemate Vibrate/Chong bought the exact model after I told him the shop name...but he didn't buy it from the guy I bought from..with exact same specs he paid I untung RM28 lo..I went to survey few shops adi on Saturday..a shop said RM950 cheapest..another offered mine is a really good buy. heheheeeeeee~ last night I even smiled in my sleep...this morning also woke up with a sleep.

Nampaknya my hutang bertambah d..~ hahahaha.

to read more of the specs, click here.


I should give a name to my laptop and camera. hehe. but don't know why I'm not THAT excited abt my laptop..oh well


Anonymous said...

"last night I even smiled in my sleep...this morning also woke up with a sleep."
darls you are sleepy...see what you typed =p
but it's a SWEET buy i must say. dolce ;)

Anonymous said...

pheewww.. nice new camera.. looks nice, but the pain in the pouch, ouch..

tsk tsk.. *shakes head as hc's boat of cash goes sinking into the sea*

Anonymous said...

And I thought I just heard about debts around the waist
Panasonic is a good buy with it's leica lens
I also got one but have to bargain real hard to get a cheap bargain

H.C. Tan said...

jan: uh-huh...must use to take pix with i miei italiani (my italians) hahaha~ dolce

khek: hahaha boat sinks..but i can swim..luckily

zI: heheh leica lens..i dunno whats so good abt leica lenses..but sounds sweet. lol..i had to get the camera ma

narrowband said...

Ur hutang keliling pinggang memang non-existent wan la aitelyoo...

Nice cameras... flaunt the photos leh!