Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I was chatting wit Abang Buyong in MSN just now..talking abt a particular someone..a promise someone made..then a promise someone didn't menunaikan. After describing a few examples to him, he said "Cakap tak serupa bikin"

How true. Sometimes I wish you won't make a promise if you never had an intention to fulfill it. Then I wouldn't have harboured hope. And...you sounded so sincere. They were just small promises...but these small gestures would've melted my heart. maklumlah I so jiwang wan.

So now...I've decided to hate you. Ahaha. At least boycott you for 3 days lah. Hmmphh.


Anonymous said...

wahhh..seems like u reli angry wohh..title sumore caps lock..okok..better make sure next time i promise u things that is in my control..or else my name will also be in capital..ahahahah

H.C. Tan said...

buyong: u know i know lah. cis kegeraman membaur. yes..remember ur promise to increase budget k haha

Anonymous said...

emo sungguh

H.C. Tan said...

tc: ptc? ahaha. i think u know who it is la..