yeps yeps yeapppp...24 hours in a day isn't enough..there were times when I have too much time in hands...this is not one of the times...I've been procrastinating... teruk!!! so many things to little time...
things that I have been putting off these few days cause I'm rushing my final report on my industrial training...yeah..I know that!!! I had 10 weeks to do it right??? why am I only starting on the like, 11th week? cos this week is the deadline to pass up...sighhh...I've like, 40pages more to go? Ughhhh... It's already hook or crook must finish today?!? if not cannot courier it over to johor d...*sighhh... see?!? I even sacrifice my gym for 4 days already...feeling guilty..cos I've been having lots of pizza, fired chicken etc etc all the fattening stuff for the past few days...there goes my hard work (in the gym) last week. *sigh. -_-"
Oh..I've been putting off my guitar practice also..and some other plans that I was planning. here from 7.30am-5pm, then aunt's restaurant, where got time lagi? nak tidur pun takde masa, apatah lagi bersocial..hmm but when I went to Velvet last week, Colin and Daniel did say that I looked more toned, and curvier..heheh. hope its not kata-kata engsiu. Nevertheless, I hope to go back to my gym regimen ASAP..yala..this is lots of $$$ involved..sakit hati tau if I don't go..
YEAPS...Our team made it!! (LA BAMBA) made it to the final 20 for the R-AGE SPIRIT OF KL competition. Hope to post up some pics go back to report again first..just dropped by to say hi cos I realised I havent been blogging for the whole week...and there I go hopping from one blog to another complaining that you guys haven't been blogging *grins. okla..break time over..Ciaoz
P/S: guess what? now I'm promoted to the office -_-" depressing rite? before that I was almost 8 metres away from the boss and hidden behind some APU the GM cannot see me surfing. Like, now my workstation is just directly in front of him (think 1 metre)... *doubly depressed.So far everyday I also kena cuci from him for my quality of work,due to my lack of experience...looks like he wont be giving me a good testimonial.haha
Have a nice day!~ Give urself a big pat!! *SMILE
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