1. A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to cleanse his wounds.
2. The hero cannot fall in love with the heroine (vice versa) unless they first perform a dance number in the rain.
3. Once applied, make-up is permanent, in rain or in any other situation.
4. Two lovers can be dancing in the field and out of nowhere, 100 people will appear from god-knows-where and join them in the dance.
5. In the final scene, the hero will discover that the bad guy he is up against is actually his brother and the maid who looked after him is his mother and the chief inspector is his father and the Judge is his uncle and so forth.
6. Key English words used in the movie (usually said out loud between sentences) are No Problem! My God! Get Out!, Shut-up!, Impossible!, Please forgive me!
7. They fall on the ground and roll and roll while singing and come out with different clothing.
8. They can run around the coconut trees, singing, battling eyes-lid, and throwing glances at each other and change clothes all at the same time without being out of breath.
all indian movies will have drama, romance, action, violance, singing/dancing, betrayal, crying and shocking revelation. Cheers!
remind your BF not to take you out for movies anymore! ;*
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