Arggghhh…last night when I opened my cupboard, I realized I have 10 different types of pasta (I couldn’t resist buying le…coz they have such adorable shapes! Farfalline, stelline, tempestine…etc etc…they are in mini mini sized shapes…such as butterfly shaped pastas, or screwdrives, or rice shapes…ahhhh. I see time hati also kenot tahan…basically it’s enough to last me till next March or so…not to mention rice and potatoes le…
Meat…ho ho ho…I have chicken pieces, bak kut, pork steak, beef steak, burgers, tuna, sausages, bacon and mixed seafood. Aiyaya, I estimate adi also…enough to cook for another 50 times of dishes. Sigh. Nampaknya I won’t die of hunger even if I don’t go out for another 2 months…
You may ask how to cook without oil then??? 2 months wor…no…I have 1 kg of salt, 3 litres of oil, curry powder, turmeric, cream, prezzemolo, oregano, basil, pepper, etc etc…Ahhhhh also 5 loaves of bread! Aihs…now everytime I open the fridge also I want to pengsan ler. Bahagia…but overspent le…no wonder la my $$$ keep on melayang…
On the other hand…hehe I had crepes for lunch yesterday. Yummilicious…with salsiccia and mushrooms wan…Here are the pix of the food that I had lately…Next time I update I feature how to make crepe ok? Don’t know which is my favourite yet so far…everything tastes so good!!!
For my Italian language…cos I too busy cooking or looking for recipes (so far I search nia, but don’t actually cook any yet…so don’t actually have the time to study, but I think I am making good progress by talking to my housemates…cos we kinda hang out for lunch and dinner most of the time now…lili is too busy with her own things also la anyway…Lol…I can’t really speak yet though Italian fluently…ya I very useless la…haha. Sumore keep ponteng class…grammatically I suck, but my spoken Italian is so far so good, I mean to convey message…(*perasanly) cos the teacher told me that I learn very very fast. Itupun must thank my housemates la…and the TV my landlord lent us. Cos all my housemates have their personal tv in their rooms…so I don’t like, have a TV…it’s a bit cacat la right if orang kat Italy tapi tak tengok tv…so I requested from the landlord lo…now we have a public tv in the common room…I mean, living room…but I had to buy the antenna la…
Yesterday they were discussing about how I got the scholarship etc..and they were like, 700Euro is a lot a month! Perugia is ngam ngam la to survive nia…I think la..but I think they quite behsyok la cos I tertekan their button when I said, thanks to their parents…memangla, the scholarship came from the embassy, came from Italian government, which came from the taxpayers’ money which came from their parents…
But the 2 Italian girls I live with are super nice…One is Milena, the other Dora…but Milena likes to pinch my cheeks…painful la most of the time…but she means well, but now my cheeks also puffier adi cos she does it every single day!
Now they are starting yoga lessons also adi with me. Me no expert, but just sharing some postures together…Cos they both are about my height but probably 20kgs heavier than I am…that’s why I can afford to continue eating…cos everytime I eat with them, I feel that I am very thin…which is not true la…if I go back to Malaysia now, I will be considered obese…lol…so I tengah menipu myself…I don’t know…but they never take supper wan…and one don’t even take breakfast…me…breakfast must have cappuccino, bread or cake with yoghurt…then lunch…lately eat with them, so pasta…after pasta we have the “dolce” session of cakes or chocolates…and another cup of espresso… Dora likes coffee a lot…and now so do I…(I’ve turned into my dad…2 cups of coffee a day…without coffee my eyes kenot open wan…and I feel like a zombie)…Then dinner…pasta again… I stupidly placed croissants in my room..I have finished 18 of them in 1 week. Aihsssss…But this is normal habit for me la, before going to bed I have to eat something…now I have been enlightened with the existence of Creamy Hot Chocolate…teruks. My clothes feel tighter adi…
When I first came here (the 1st week), I think I lost weight…coz everything seems so expensive. Now I’ve stopped everything feels so cheap now…which in actual fact, no…but I paling expert in consoling myself. Hehz…so…now I eat without guilt. But on Saturday I bought coconut milk..IMAGINE…200ml is 2Euro!!!!!!! I can like, buy probably a litre in Malaysia with RM10?? I’m not very sure, but I don’t think santan is that expensive in Malaysia, right?
Sekian saja for today…here are pix of Crepes, Classic Lasagna, Olive Chicken, Fish Biscuits, Penne with Broccoli, Pork Steak (ini my creation..haha) Zucchine Risotto, Tagliatelle, Pastina con Verdure, Gnocchi with Spinach, Trouta al Cartoccio, and Bruschetta...

Hey sweetie, I think your risotto looks too soggy. Maybe you like it that way but I prefer it just being moist & slightly sticky. :p
Anyway, the weather is colder & I feel one tends to eat more.. ;)
Miss you, girl. *baci*
the last pic looks ADORABLE!
tak pernah nampak gambar sedang bersenam? sangat menghairankan!
Wow, it looks like you're turning into an Italian ragazza and so fast too! 2 months already? WOW!! That is fast.. Haha, I love the way you describe your life here... So cool.
hey.. with that much food, won't it expire or rosak before you eat them???
jem: haha i like soggy food wan...suits my but colder weather does not give one an excuse 2 eat more la dearie!!
jan: haha u mean mini bruschette? i wanna go spain though!
ayah: cis kata kata yang penuh dengan sindiran. haha sekarang musim sejuk la camner nak senam kat luar??
lb: hahha tu sei molto gentile!!! sto ancora una ragazza malesia laaaaaa...yeah 2 mths adi so miss-ness for laksa bertambah sekian hari...
heng: yaaa all also slowly expiring also i tension..hahaha
Aiyo, I totally forgot you're in ITALY!! dang! Anyway, Spain's STILL ON!
Got job to intro me in Europe? hahaha
Ob i can't wait to see the new u..wakakkakka
Hello HC Tan, I took a wrong turning somewhere and came across your very nice blog.
Hey, glancing thru your 'friends' you visit, was surprised to see my callsign.
Funny, never see your footprints before....but I have been hearing footsteps at night, ha ha, bearing in mind we are 13 hours behind you.
Gosh, your Malay language is very good, lost me some of them.
And you love 'Liverpool FC'? I was a big fan of Wolverhampton Wanderers wayyyyy back in the 60's when I was studying in UK.
Your food dishes sure made my taste buds work overtime, ha ha.
You keep well Miss Tan and have a nice evening, UL.
licia: haha yea u forgot! or u come visit Ita instead laa..hahaa. yeap Spain on!
Pao: hahahah. mayb i dont have to take airplane..i bet i can float home. lol...
U.Lee: ehhh uncle leeeeee nyanyuk d ah? i did leave comments before at your blog...ermm..maybe i wrote my name as hooiching? hmmm...hahaha nvm lar...yea i enjoy ur blog a lot but lately i cant access..u moved ur blog? hahah thanks for your kind compliments lah yar!!! my BM is so so la..sebagai rakyat malaysia kan? haha
HC migod u can open italian restaurant when u go home dee, looks so yummy.
Share a recipe some day k! :P
renie: haha ya..i want to open italian restaurant!! lol ok..will post up a recipe soon..muax girl..happy new yr to u!
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