Ever since Lin's birthday celebration been quite busy..let's see, meeting up with old frenz which I absolutely had fun!!..then of course the HPC members met up after sekian lama and had slumber parties here and there..I bunked in at Lin's, Loke's =) and hung out with Pao, Jo Ooi, Heng..and met Loh Jo..only one missing is Chun! wherefore art thou?? but sadly I didn't get to meet up with the others like those from LL House--leeting , Peiru, Rinrin..although I saw Sanrong briefly and thongching when she teman me to get my hair done..sigh.. and karen, janice, alicia, wenchern..and the list goes on!! I'll just post up some random pictures..with me in it of course! haha..basically my story is like Pao's since we spent a few days together
hooiching with HP Loh Jo
well on the 22nd it started with our bus trip to KL with HP Pao and Jit Shiong..on Fri nite we met up with Joanne and we went clubbing at Poppy's Garden with Fred (my personal favourite alongside with Velvet)..it was ok but not at our best appearance cos we were pretty tired!!
in the toilet at Poppy's with Pao

The next day, we had lunch and went shopping at The Curve with li'l bro Liang..my my is he a shopper, he managed to wring a pair of boxers from me, but due to his keasyikkan bershopping he missed his bus back to Penang (actually it was my fault cos we left late and I didn't actually know the way to Pudu) so he ended up having to buy another ticket. =P we left for Johor after dinner and we drove down. Basically I was the driver and jitshiong,pao were worried that I'll fall asleep behind the steering wheel so we actually talked for 3.5 hours non-stop. we shared our grandmother, ancestral stories and lame jokes. lol.
Apapun, the next morning..Sunday isit?..we went to Singapore pulaks. Heng and Loke were already in Johore, so we went together-gether la to meet up with Jo Ooi..lunch was good, courtesy of HP Pao (*wink!) and dinner courtesy of HP Jo Ooi (*wink again!)..gosh Jo's waistline is still as tiny as ever..jeles siot!!
Apapun, the next morning..Sunday isit?..we went to Singapore pulaks. Heng and Loke were already in Johore, so we went together-gether la to meet up with Jo Ooi..lunch was good, courtesy of HP Pao (*wink!) and dinner courtesy of HP Jo Ooi (*wink again!)..gosh Jo's waistline is still as tiny as ever..jeles siot!!

The S'pore trip was good, and the next day we brought Pao to City Square..which was nothing compared to Penang of course! but we had dinner at Restoran Singgah Selalu which I love...and then Pao, Adrian and Heng left for Penang d *sobs. Had to clean my room for the few days after..cos of the constant rain, my room is super damp and some of my stuffs actually berkulat (my dear pillow) as I left it the whole month. ~sighs but it was wonderful having the bestest ever friends around =)
jeng jeng..presenting my original liverpool jersey for this season!
Ooh..btw I had a super-to-die-for Christmas prezzie..thank you so much kuangzheng!! =)
the box with a poster and Xmas card..

isn't it totally to die for?I've totally decided to wear it for the first day of CNY!! hehe..was supposed to rot till New Year in dinky ol' Skudai but had this sudden impulse, so I'm going back penang laterz!!! All the tickets were sold out, so I have to take a bus to KL 1st, then transit to penang..pohpee got ticket lar..and will, erm, cuti sendiri till next week I guess.haha have always been pontenging classes ever since 1st year..so final year must continue the tradition yahz.lol..
HEnce..shall end this post with a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!! MAY THIS COMING NEW YEAR BRING MORE HAPPINESS, JOY, WEALTH, HEALTH and all your undertakings!! Huggies, love to everyone!! =)
p/s: chronologically, I'm supposed to blog about my Thailand trip then only this post but..due to unforeseen circumstances, lolz. forgive me lah..after this im goin to post up a summarized version of my trip, but dunno when lar cos have to sort out the million of pics..lol..
HEnce..shall end this post with a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!! MAY THIS COMING NEW YEAR BRING MORE HAPPINESS, JOY, WEALTH, HEALTH and all your undertakings!! Huggies, love to everyone!! =)
p/s: chronologically, I'm supposed to blog about my Thailand trip then only this post but..due to unforeseen circumstances, lolz. forgive me lah..after this im goin to post up a summarized version of my trip, but dunno when lar cos have to sort out the million of pics..lol..