"Kegagalan sekarang tidak bermakna anda tiada kejayaan pada masa depan"
Dr. Shuhaimi Mansor
This is what the lecturer told us during lecture...trying to motivate us after most of us died horrible deaths in test 1. i got 5/20. hahaha. but i studied the night before, so i reap what i sow. but some that studied whole week also get 3.5...some 7...some 9...basically the range was 2.5-14. only 2 did well nia for test 1. but of course, last night we were slaughtered. AGAIN. ish. i really liked this lecturer cos he had the passion to teach and tried to instill certain values in us. but. oh well, after 8 semesters here, and the ninth coming to an end, being slaughtered in tests is nothing new to me..I am, after all never a brilliant and hardworking student. Imagine last night, nobody could do the test. Nobody! Even our course prodigy was stumped. oh well, I looked pretty happy after the test though. at least it meant I'm not dumb.hehe. "mati bersama-sama", remember? I did prepare for this test though...I started 2 days before the test!! an achievement d, considering the fact i actually studied for it by my study table instead of my computer table. But still..die wat.
hmmm. which makes me ponder.. Study also die, tak study also die...then why study? ish ish.. cannot so negative wan right? I still have many many tests and finals is next month.. my FYP lecturer is complaining that my progress is too slow, hence I need to buck up also..
It's hard to change you know..I've always been like this since young. Procrastination is what I do best. Pushing all the assignments and studies till the due date is what I do most of the time. In secondary school, I hated Chemistry and Physics so much, during the term exams, I actually just used my eraser and wrote "A, B, C, D", threw it and filled in the answers in my answer sheet. I couldn't be bothered to study, since it's term exam nia. but I never get more than 15/40 for my objective papers in these two subjects la. hehe. It's time to repent...with 1.2 sems to go, I cannot afford to flunk any papers or else I will have to extend. *gasp!! is that possible??
Yes Yes, I've pasted motivational quotes on my notice board. But talk only no action also kenot la..
Actually I've nothing to post up wan..but saja bertanya khabar nia..oh last nite after my test, we went to Neway at CS to celebrate Fly's birthday..in advance la. 6 of us lor..me, danielle, fly, eddie, master, soo hoe. hmmm can say that its blardy expensive to ber-karaoke after midnite le..but it wasnt bad. of course, my singing skills is still as bad as ever, since I dont actually sing. More like screaming and yelling out the lyrics?.. Everyone was nice enough not to comment, but I feel like I sound like a very sick dog howling. lol. I seemed to have lost the touch judging monetary value after I spent 5 months in KL. Money suddenly just seemed like..figures. haihs. which is why i have been spending like nobody's business. I've finished up the disbursement Petronas banked in 3 months ago..am basically broke, now waiting for next disbursement nia lo.. Dad obviously wont come to the rescue, since I keep spending on unnecessary things. hehe. okla..wanna go do my presentation slides d..we have english presentation on monday..ta~
master, soo hoe, fly
me and danielle
hey..life is boring??..oh well..mine 2 more weeks...then it's exam then it's home..can't wait.. juz had my bday party..so tired..but so full..cannot study..cannot sleep..so it's better for me to read ppl's blog :P
What do final year engineering students need to present during an "English presentation"?
yang benar,
Good luck on ur final...my 2nd final's coming too!But still can't help but to procrastinate further until the due date.Johor really so boring ke??? :/ lol...at least u can anytime go beyond the strait to another new found paradise in like 30 mins of time -_-
Consider this as an investment on yourself, a down payment for your lifelihood for the rest of the adult days :) As a young adult, you hav lotsa freedom but at a price too. Cheers!
pao: memang boring pun.haha
sultan: to brush up communication skills, tuanku.haha
tristan: thanks!!
joeC: lol!
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